Find detailed information about a sponsor

SponsorPitch Support
SponsorPitch Support
  • Updated

To find detailed information about a sponsor, start by opening up the sponsor's detail page. 

Once on the sponsor's detail page, you can select from a variety of tabs that display detailed information on different topics. 


1) ' Activity ' displays a feed of all the sponsor's related activities from the past several years.

2) ' People ' provides a list of sponsorship related contacts associated with the sponsor and allows you to unlock contacts to obtain detailed information such as their title, email address phone number, and LinkedIn. 

3) ' Deals ' displays a list of the deals the sponsor has participated in along with an analysis which gives you detailed information about each deal

4) ' Partners ' provides a list of the partners that have worked with the sponsor in the past. 

5) ' Key Markets ' provides a list of the key markets in which a sponsor has worked in the past.

6) ' Competitors ' displays a list of the sponsor's primary competitors.

7) ' Agencies ' displays a list of the agencies the sponsor has worked with in the past. 

8) ' Tips ' provides information about the sponsor's products and services.  

9) ' Analytics ' provides a breakdown of the sponsor's deals, property relationships, most active sponsors in their industry, and other key sponsorship related information.  (*Professional plan and above)


NEXT: Unlock contacts




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